
The Project Coordination Team will be the hub of contact between the European Commission and the project participants and is responsible for the overall legal and scientific management of the project. It will support the Project Management Team (PMT) and will implement its decisions. The PMT will meet every three months by skype, phone or video-conference or physically to discuss the development of the project, to monitor its progress and to prepare decisions in the responsibility of the General Assembly (GA). The project coordinator is responsible for activating the Project Advisory Board, organizing the attendance of its members to three annual meetings and the open science conference.

The whole consortium will physically meet on an annual basis (combined with the PMT and GA) as well as for the final meeting. For the first time, the Kick-off meeting, all partners met within the premises of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (for further details visit the News section). The Project Coordination Team will be responsible for the overall organization of consortium meetings and will also collaborate for side meetings (e.g. WP-Meetings).

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