Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU)

The Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, has a strong profile in the sustainable management of renewable resources. In ARANGE the Departmtent of Forest and Soil Science represented by the Institutes of Silviculture and Forest Engineering (BOKU) will be active in ARANGE. The mission of BOKU is to develop management strategies for a sustainable, multipurpose forest management of mountain forest ecosystems under current and changing environmental conditions. Particular strength is the integration of silviculture and forest engineering with ecosystem modelling and (multi-criteria) planning for decision support in mountain forest management, bridging the gap between basic and applied science. BOKU was/is partner in several EU projects (e.g., SilviStrat, INSEA, ITM, EFORWOOD, SENSOR, CCTAME, Flexwood, MOTIVE, FunDIV-EUROPE) and has long-lasting experience in national and international RTD collaboration. In ARANGE BOKU has the coordinating role. BOKU is also responsible for Synthesis and Integration (WP5). Furthermore, BOKU contributes with a case study region in the Eastern Alps. BOKU will further assist with modelling know how in the Bulgarian, Slowenian and Spanish case study.

Web site: www.wabo.boku.ac.at/waldbau

Persons involved:

Manfred J. Lexer

Dr, is Associate Professor for Silviculture and Vegetation Modeling. His main research interests include multi-purpose forest resource planning and decision making, multi-criteria decision support systems and ecosystem modelling. He has been actively involved in several European scale research projects and initiatives. He is chair of WG2 on Adaptation within the COST Action FP0703 “ECHOES”. Currently he is, i.a., partner in CCTAME, MOTIVE and responsible for the design and implementation of a decision support system for adaptive forest management; in FunDivEUROPE he is currently responsible for the implementation of a web-based knowledge transfer tool.

Hubert Hasenauer

Dr, is Professor for Forest Ecosystem Management, Head of Institute of Silviculture, Deputy Department and the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forest Institute. He has led the EU project ITM within FP5. Currently he is WG leader in the COST action FP0603 (Forest models for decision support).

Karl Stampfer

Dr, Associate Professor for Forest Engineering and Head of Department. He specializes in optimizing harvesting systems in mountainous terrain, logistics and biomass production systems.

Werner Rammer

is IT expert. He has been involved in developing ToSIA within EFORWOOD. In ARANGE he will be partly responsible for implementing the MFToolBox.

Stephan Pietsch

Dr, is carbon modeling expert and adopts ergodic theories for assessing ecosystem vulnerability.

Mario Klopf

is the developer of the MOSES framework – a growth model for uneven-aged forest management at an enterprise level.

Michael Maroschek

is working as a project collaborator at the Institute of Silviculture. He finished the master programme Forest Sciences in 2009. The subject of his PhD is: “Analysis of tradeoffs in ecosystem services of mountain forests under climate change and adaptive management”. In the focus of his work at the institute are climate change impacts on European mountain forests and the adaptation to those impacts in mountain forest management.

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