Národné lesnícke centrum (National Forest Centre – NFC)

NFC is a semi-budgetary forestry agency established by the SR Ministry of Agriculture. Aim of this organization is to take the lead in the development and promotion of sustainable forest management and its implementation in practice. It strives to provide forestry practice, forest owners and other stakeholders with new knowledge on forests and practical solutions enhancing stewardship of existing forest resources. In addition, it supports transfer of appropriate know-how to state and municipal authorities on forestry, nature conservation, environment, rural development and urban planning. The ambition of NFC is to provide fully-fledged services relevant to and supporting strategic priorities and interests of forestry. NFC cooperates in different international projects mainly arranged with partners from within Europe (CECILIA, EU-FOREST FOCUS, FORTHREAT) Recently are ongoing e.g. IN2WOOD, BIOCLUS, SUSI-CEE, WET WOOD, ENV-NCP-TOGETHER, TRACOPI, CASE-FOREST. Outside Europe, it has an ongoing cooperation on forest fire monitoring systems with South Africa.

In ARANGE NFC will be responsible for WP3 (Baseline policy and governance) and also involved in other WPs. Furthermore, NFC contributes with a case study in the Western Carpathians.

Key persons involved:

Dr Zuzana Sarvašová

Deputy Department Head of Forest Strategy, Policy and Economics. Her main interests are forest policy, rural development policy, cross-sectoral relationships, innovations in forestry and new EFS. She is a member of IUFRO group 3.08 Small-scale forestry, and she was a representative in the COST Action E51 “Integrating Innovation and Development Policies for the Forest Sector”. Currently she participates in 7FP projects IN2WOOD. She leads WG on governance and stakeholder participation within the national project EPOL funded by Ministry of agriculture and rural development of SR.

Web site: www.nlcsk.sk

Dr Martin Moravčík

Head of Department of Forest Strategy, Policy and Economics. His key qualifications forest policy and legislation, forest resources inventory and forest management planning. Currently he participates in FP7 projects IN2WOOD and BIOCLUS. He is member of the team of specialists of the UN ECE for monitoring of sustainable forest management and national expert for Global assessment of forest resources of FAO.

Dr Tomáš Hlásny

Head of Department of Ecology and Biodiversity of Forest Ecosystems. His research interest includes forest ecology, spatial modeling and applied statistics. He is particularly engaged in the assessment of climate change impacts on Central Europe forest ecosystems.

Dr Tomáš Bucha

is a forestry researcher and the deputy director of NFC. He specializes in the mapping and assessment of forest condition, forest disturbances and forest productivity using the remote sensing.

Dr Ivan Barka

is a research scientist at NFC. His current research focus is forest ecology and application of remote sensing and geographic information systems in forestry.

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