WP5 (Integration and synthesis)

This work package integrates the different data and information streams of the project to perform comparative analyses within and across case study regions and to achieve the general scientific synthesis of the project.

The focus will be on

  • the interactions and trade-offs between ES and how they vary with spatial scale and levels of integration (from the stand across the FMU to the landscape level; from full integration to complete segregation), between different regions, and as a function of the silvicultural regime
  • identifying the direct and indirect effects (via adaptation measures) of climate change on the provision of ES
  • testing the Decision Support Tool Box in selected case study regions
  • device new silvicultural systems integrating key findings on the interaction of ES and the compatibility of harvesting systems and silvicultural regimes in order to optimize the provision of ES
  • formulate best-practices and recommendations to resource managers on how to implement efficient multifunctional mountain forest management
  • formulate recommendations to policy makers on how to preserve and foster the multifunctionality of European mountain forest landscapes

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